August 2, 2023

• So let’s get this straight! There are tens of millions of dollars, thousands of emails, hundreds of suspicious activities reports, testimony from dozens of witnesses and business partners, numerous whistleblowers, and a laptop from hell. Yet the Dems say that “there is not a shred of evidence” to substantiate the Biden’s pay-to-play scheme or that Good O’ Joe was involved or even knew about it. Yeah, sure, uh-huh!

• The perfect business model! Sell a product (electric vehicles) and lose billions.

August 1, 2023

• It probably won’t be long before Hillary blames MAGA Republicans for her loss in 2016, or for stealing her 33,000 emails, or for bleaching her server, or for the massive Clinton Foundation accounting discrepancies, or for forcing Bill to go to Epstein Island 27 times, or for staining the blue dress.

• Kind of tired today! Was up till 11:59 pm. buying as many incandescent light bulbs as I could find.