• During a panel discussion on climate change Kamala was asked; what should be done to combat climate change? She responded; “I think climate change is changing our climate. Congress needs to combat changing our climate by passing a bill to ban summer. Summer is hotter than winter so it causes temperature increases. Without temperature increases we wouldn’t need to run our air conditioners and then we could shut down all our fossil plants. No fossil plants, no fossil gases! It’s simple! This would also be good for our museums because then they would have more fossils to display in their exhibits. This would help educate our children since they would learn more about fossils when they go on field trips instead of being bored in class learning to read and do math. Another thing that Congress needs to do is pass a law to provide umbrellas to all our citizens. This would keep the sun off their heads so they would think it’s cooler. And if they think it’s cooler, Joe and I will get re-elected because we will have solved the climate change problem. Thank you for the question and allowing me to confirm why I am the climate czar”.